Luau Fun and Fundraiser

Aloha! In addition to an open invitation to paddle with us, you are cordially invited to our annual fundraiser. Join us for a great evening of food, music, raffles and fun under the stars. Meet all the great people who paddle and support Na Leo, and help us raise funds for our keiki and adult teams.
Saturday, February 25th, 2017
Location: Phoenix Ale Brewery*
3002 E. Washington St. Phoenix 85034
(602) 275-5049
Time: 5:30pm – 10pm (dinner starts at 6:30 pm)
Entertainment: Ka’imikahu Hale O’ Hula & Sienna
Adults: $25 ($30 at the door)
Keiki 12 and under: $15 ($20 at the door)
Age 5 and under: Free
*Bring your growler to fill or buy a Na Leo growler and glasses there. A portion of all beer sales goes to Na Leo’s crew fund.

Please join our FaceBook page for updates and come out to paddle.  For more information or to buy tickets: contact Carol Ducosin: 602-663-8030